Loch Lomond Santa Cruz
General Ideas:
Loch Lomond car park (LLRA) is possessed and operated by the City of Santa Cruz liquid Department. Loch Lomond Reservoir's primary purpose is water storage for Santa Cruz residents. The LLRA staff offer a selection of recreational opportunities including motorboat rentals, picnicking, fishing, climbing, all-natural resources interpretive programming and security on surrounding watershed lands.

Loch Lomond sunset
Period starting time: March 1st
March: 7 in the morning – 7 PM
April: 7 in the morning – 7:30 PM
Might: 7 in the morning – 8 PM
Summer: 7 are – 8:30 PM
July: 7 are – 8:30 PM
August – Work Day: 7 have always been – 8:00 PM
WORK DAY – 2nd Weekend of October: 7 are – 6 PM (WEEKENDS JUST)
CAR ENTRY charge
Vehicle - $6
Season Pass - $60
Electric engine Boat (Aluminum): $15/hr (2 time minimum)
Weekends and Holidays: 3 time minimum before noon
Maximum daily cost: $90
Row-boat (Aluminum): $7.50/hr (2 time minimum)
Optimum daily fee: $45
Paddle Boat: $7.50/hr (2 hour minimal)
Nucanoe: $7.50/hr (2 hour minimum)
Maximum day-to-day cost: $45*
*no bookings designed for Nucanoes
Boats tend to be Rented on a primary Come, First Served Basis
- All ships must be off the pond 60 minutes before park closing time
- No exterior boats/paddleboards allowed
- A restricted few ships (excluding Nucanoes) is set aside the maximum day-to-day rate by calling (831) 335-7424 one or more day prior. No refunds.
- You'll deliver yours electric motor/marine electric battery for use on our rowboats
(susceptible to necessary inspection for clean, dry prop prior to use)
LIQUOR PERMITS (Over 21 years of age, ID needed)
1-5 adults: $5
5+ grownups: $50
Vista Point team location
Upper Loch team location
Bookings ($70) might be produced in advance by phoning (831) 335-7424
- Hiking
- Boat Rentals
- Fishing (DFW permits sold right here)
- Picnicking (charcoal BBQ pits readily available)
- College training (interpretive) teams
- Group picnics (oversized BBQ pits available)
- Weddings
- Park trips regarding the final Saturday of each and every month during open season
- Park Store with restricted collection of treats and beverages, tackle, bait