Pub Dumbarton Scotland
Scotland Dunbartonshire Dumbarton
Parish (#496)
This might be helpful tips toward history and major genealogical records of Scotland because they pertain towards the parish of Dumbarton. To learn more about utilizing these documents to find your forefathers, go directly to the Scotland: Research tips.
DUMBARTON, a royal burgh, the county city, and a parish, when you look at the county of Dumbarton, 15 miles (N. W.) from Glasgow, and 58 (W. by S.) from Edinburgh. This place derives its name, originally Dunbriton, from an old fortress which, though its creators are unidentified, became the principal chair of this Strathclyde Britons. The town is situated regarding the west lender associated with the river Leven, near its increase to the Clyde. Today's church, built about 1810, and positioned in the city, is a spacious construction containing 1500 sittings. There are places of worship for people in the Free Church and United connect Synod, and a Roman Catholic chapel.
This parish name's additionally spelled Dunbarton.
This new Statistical Account of Scotland (club. 1834-45) offers uniquely wealthy and detail by detail parish reports for the whole of Scotland, addressing a huge variety of subjects including record, farming, education, investments, religion and personal traditions. The reports, authored by the parish ministers, are available online at Click on ‘Browse scanned pages’ then search the parish reports for Dumbarton. In addition offered at the Family background Library.
Census Records
A census is a count and information of the population, taken because of the government, arranged by locality by household. Read more about Scotland Census Records.
Below is information for understood surname indexes:
Many Years | Surname Index |
1841 | |
1851 | CD-ROM no. 3816 |
1861 | |
1871 | |
1881 | 6086556 ( 4 fiche) |
1891 |
The 1901 census of Scotland is listed on To put it to use, you need to register and spend a little access fee. All readily available censuses, 1841-1901, are listed with this web site. It might be easier for you to cover to utilize the website instead of accessibility indexes through the library.
Church Records
Here are the pre-1855 documents which exist because of this parish.
Set Up Church—Old Parochial Registers
Kind of occasion | Many Years Covered | Family History Library Film Number |
Births: | 1666-1819 | |
1820-1855 | ||
Marriages: | 1682-1854 | |
Deaths: | 1642-1749, 1776, 1783-1796 | |
Overlooked Entries | 1816-1818 |
Index: For a list to these files, see Scotland’s People site, a pay-for-view site. The Scottish Church Records Index is also still offered at your family background Library in Salt Lake City. Some records can be listed in the [1] Global Genealogical Index.
Marriages: Files tend to be empty September 1671–January 1677. No entries December 1699–August 1700. There are eight leaves of imperfect documents after 1700. The lower percentage of a leaf at September 1780 is cut-off. There are no entries Summer 1698–January 1700 and also the record is empty might 1707–March 1709. After 1700 the record appears to be chiefly one of proclamations, the simple fact of relationship being very seldom included.
Deaths: files are empty July 1671–February 1677, and February 1683–July 1686. There are no entries January 1698–October 1699. The time of burial normally often taped between 1670 and 1739. After October 1749, you can find three entries of fatalities for 1776.
Origin: Key into Parochial Registers of Scotland, by V. Ben Bloxham, pub. 1970. Brit Book 941 K23b.
The Kirk session was the court of the parish. The Kirk session had been made up of he minister as well as the land proprietors and business men of parish, plumped for to provide regarding the session. The Kirk session dealt with ethical dilemmas, small unlawful instances, matters for the bad and training, matters of discipline, together with general problems associated with parish. Kirk session records could also mention births, marriages, and deaths.
Here is a listing of the surviving Kirk program documents with this parish:
Minutes 1693–1722
Note: offered by the National Archives of Scotland, Edinburgh, record CH2/97.
Nonconformist Church Records
This new Statistical Account for 1837 says the population associated with the parish ended up being 3116. Of that quantity, 262 had been people in the Relief Church, 113 had been United Secession, 9 were Reformed Church, 26 other Seceders, 8 Independents, 30 Baptists, 35 Episcopalians, 284 Roman Catholics, 5 Unitarians, and 33 individuals of no spiritual persuasion.
Dunbarton Bridgend Relief Church, subsequent United Presbyterian
This congregation originated partially inside dissatisfaction experienced by specific individuals citizen within the parish of Cardross with the conduct of these minister, and partly with members of the Relief Church resident in Bonhill, and partly with certain individuals citizen in Dunbarton, mainly Highlanders whom, through the trouble of finding accommodation within the parish church, and dislike for the legislation of patronage, withdrew from the well-known church. These events joined up with in a petition to the Relief Presbytery of Glasgow you need to take under their particular inspection as a forming congregation, that was granted in July 1792. Church built-in 1796. An innovative new church was exposed in 1860.
Source:Annals and data regarding the United Presbyterian Church, by Rev. William MacKelvie, D.D., club. 1873.Film #477618. More details might be provided into the origin including a summary of ministers.
The degree of records is as yet not known.
Dunbarton High Street United Secession Church, subsequent United Presbyterian
This congregation began with Seceders citizen in the Vale of Leven, who have been desirous of getting a location of worship much more conveniently situated for all of them. They opened a preaching section when you look at the village of Renton, given sermon on alternative Sabbaths. In 1820, the place was removed to Dunbarton therefore the cause prospered. A congregation was regularly arranged right after. A church was built-in 1826.
Resource: Annals and Statistics of the United Presbyterian Church, by Rev. William MacKelvie, D.D., pub. 1873.Film #477618. Additional information might be given within the supply including a list of ministers.
Management's Minutes 1822–1863
Subscription Book 1839–1840
Note: offered by the nationwide Archives of Scotland, Edinburgh, records CH3/479.
Dunbarton High Complimentary Church
The minister of Dunbarton arrived on the scene in 1843, bringing with him a large congregation. Church and manse had been integrated 1843. In 1864 the old church was sold and a one erected on another web site.
Account: 1848, 265; 1900, 794.
Source: Annals of the Free Church of Scotland, 1843-1900, ed. Rev. William Ewing, D.D., 2 vols. club. 1914. Film #918572. Additional information might be provided within the source including a listing of ministers.
The degree of files is as yet not known.
Dunbarton Baptist Church
No record of this early Baptists into the burgh is out there, however it is understood that a Baptist church was launched in Dunbarton in about 1823 hence it carried on until about 1866. Baptism was administered into the River Leven and lured big crowds of people. Due to fatalities and emigration, the church stopped to exist.
Source: reputation for the Baptists in Scotland, by Rev. George Yuille, pub. 1926. Family Hhistory LibraryBook 941 K2hi.
No documents are known to exist.
Dunbarton Roman Catholic Church
The congregation began about 1830. The church had been consecrated to St. Patrick in 1851.
Registers— available on the internet for a cost, at Edinburgh, record RH21/71.
Confirmations from 1841 come in the fingers regarding the parish priest.
Vale of Leven department, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
History— Unavailable.
Registers— Genealogy And Family History Library Film Number